Sunday was Klesti’s birthday. He lives lives in the front house. We were invited to his party for snacks and cake to celebrate with him and his family as he turned 7. They said it would start at 7 or 7:30. Nicole and I knew that meant 7:30 at the earliest.So at 7:30 we took a stroll down to the front house. Klesti and his cousins were all outside playing still. They were all pretty excited.

Nicole & I went inside where we were told we were waiting on Klesti’s grandparents (who live not too far away) and his uncle (our landlord) who hadn’t gotten home from work yet. He would be there around 8. They told us we could come back but Nicole and I stayed since it would only be 30 minutes. An hour and a half later, the party started.

There were about 18 or so people in one room. One small room. One small hot room with the body heat of 18+ people. Luckily the family invested in not only a standup fan earlier this summer but also a ceiling fan (which is very rare here). Those in addition to both windows being open helped make it more bearable.

Klesti’s dad is in Greece working for the summer. So they got him on Skype and he got to enjoy the celebration too. Everyone would talk to him and he’d talk to us. It was almost like he was kinda sorta there.

Then the kids finished and were ready to play since there was no more snacks or cake. They went out to play in the hallways just outside the door where the adults were still talking and drinking. Apparently they were too loud so they shut the door. And boy did it get hot! I know it was hot because even the Albanians were sweating! Around 10 everyone called it a night and headed towards the door.

When Nicole and I walked outside, it felt SO nice. It was so cool and refreshing! We got up to our house and the thermometer said it was 85 degrees. Outside! And it felt very cool! If 85 degrees felt cool after being in that room, I don’t want to know the actual temperature of that room!

It was a fun night though despite being super hot. Everyone still had fun and got to celebrate with Klesti who enjoyed being the center of attention all night. Below are some photos of him and a few of the attendees.

all the boys from left to right
Redi, Ensi, Klesti, Eli

Klesti – the birthday boy with the hat one of his cousins made!

Make a wish!

When we sang happy birthday,
Ensi (Klesti’s younger brother) got scared and started crying.
But that didn’t keep Klesti from enjoying the moment!

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