I’ve read the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 countless times but this last time I related rather well to the disciples.

They saw a need and came to Jesus. This is a good thing. They saw that the people would need food so they went to Jesus to talk to him about it. But they saw only one human filled and faith lacking solution – send them away so they can buy their own food in nearby villages. Then comes the challenge from Jesus. “That isn’t necessary – you feed them.” (vs 16) “But we have only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish,” the disciples responded (vs 17).

Of course we all know Jesus goes on to make the 5 loaves and 2 fish feed all 5000 people with enough for leftovers too. But sometimes in life, like the disciples, we can get tunnel vision. We see the needs around us but we get so focused on what we can do and how we can help in our limited human efforts that we forget God can do ridiculously crazy things like feed 5000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish. God can do so much with so little. That’s kind of his trademark.

So often – especially lately, I’ve been giving the same response as the disciples when God is asking me to do things – But I only have… I feel like what I have isn’t enough. I see what I have as inadequate for any good to come from it. I see what I have as not being enough to solve any problems. I see what I have as being less than enough to accomplish anything rather than seeing an opportunity for God to do something amazing.

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