I’ve noticed I’m becoming a better storyteller. How do I know? Because my stories are passing the test of an honest 4 year old. I call it the ASQS (Avery Story Quality Scale).

When I go to North Carolina, I am Avery’s bed buddy. Part of my job includes telling her bedtime stories every night. And every night I have to come up with a new story off the top of my head that always involves a bad guy. If your story is not good enough, she will let you know by interrupting.

If you take too long to tell a story, she will finish it for you in two sentences.
If you take too long to introduce the bad guy, she will ask about him.
If you make it too boring, she will ask you to tell a different story.
If you don’t make sense, she will ask for an explanation.

If you tell a great story by Avery’s definition, she won’t interrupt. If you tell a great story by my definition, she will be asleep before you finish. If you tell an amazing story, she won’t interrupt and will be asleep before you finish.

Based on the ASQS, I’ve been telling more and more amazing stories!

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