I had to share “my” story with our team and I thought I’d share it with you…in 6 chapters
**Note: Much of my story has already been shared on my blog in different posts. So you may already know most of my story!
My story is not yet finished because God is still writing it. He’s used people and experiences to help me grow into the person he wants me to be and I’m not done growing yet.
Chapter 1 // The [Spoiled] Early Years
In my early years, the people he used the most were my parents. They helped lay the foundation of who I am today. They spoiled me though so they are to blame for the effect that has had on me, even today.
They spoiled me because they didn’t show their love for me by buying me things. They told me they loved me and hugged me and kissed me.
They didn’t buy me lots of toys and stuff I would quickly outgrow. They spent money on family vacations where we could create memories that will never grow old (especially the embarrassing ones).
My parents didn’t teach me values and morals by telling me what they should be. They taught them to me by living that way so I could see how it should be done.
My parents spoiled me because they didn’t let me do whatever I wanted. They set the bar high for me so that now I set the bar high for myself.
My parents spoiled me because they set the example. They were an example of who I should be and who I should become.
My parents spoiled me because they taught me to know better. They raised me with character and high standards and values.
Because my parents spoiled me, I am a much better person today.