We held our first Bible Bowl a couple weeks ago. Though it was a bit more like team Jeopardy. The kids all studied the story of Nicodemus from John 3:1-21 and memorized verses 5, 16 & 17 for bonus points.

The competition went very well and all the kids took it super serious. They discussed their answers with their teams in hushed whispers before the team spokes person would give their answer. Though, to be fair, a lot was on the line. After all, first place got a pizza party. Everyone got a Snickers bar for competing though.

There were four teams and 15 kids total who participated. Our Bible study girls were competing but unfortunately, only 2 of the girls were able to come. But our girls made Nicole & I proud. They competed great.

Me, Ida, Nicole, Artiola

From all the kids’ answers, it was obvious that everyone had spent time studying and preparing for the competition. Hopefully, the story of Nicodemus will always be with them as well as the verses they memorized.

Here are some photos from the competition.

The Gameboard!

Each team sat at a table with a colored card. Above is green’s table.

Lucie was nice enough host the competition at Burime.

Caryl would reach each question twice.
Then the teams had 30 seconds to answer.

All the participants waiting for the next question.

This team got it wrong.
The girls discuss it while the boy in the back is not happy…

One team discusses while everyone else waits their turn.

Vanna White I mean Nicole controls the gameboard & time.

Our fair & honest judges (left to right): Matt, Allan & Dawn

Teamwork is always good to see!

Sheri, the official score keeper.

At the end, while the scores are being tallied,
Matt shared the gospel one more time using John 3:1-21.

The kids all had fun and said they would like to do it again. So this may have been the first Bible competition for the kids but it seems it won’t be the last!

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