Vienna is a huge city. I prefer cities a bit smaller. Plus this was my second time visiting so I was excited to stay with friends in a smaller town outside of the city with new places to explore! But Vienna definitely has a lot of stuff to do. While we were there, they had an international film festival going on complete with lots of food vendors representing global cuisines.
You could also find random statues. Like a guy’s head enclosed in glass in the middle of a park.
Or a statue with a long face.
Be careful in parks though. Sometimes you can’t do anything but throw your trash away.
Some streets you can dance on.
Some streets don’t allow dancing.
Vienna definitely has lots of big buildings with lots of arhitectural details to look at.
My favorite was this church we saw as we were waiting by the Danube river for our boat!
But Nicole & I are easy to please. We were so excited that they had water fountains we could drink from! Definitely not something you would do in Albania!
Nicole was the chief navigator for the trip and was the official map reader.
Go to Stop #8: Bratislava, Slovakia!