One of my friends tweeted a quote the other day by Ryan Lister. “Don’t ask what the world wants. Be what the world needs.”
It’s pretty self explanatory right? Too often we get caught up in trying to get the latest and greatest stuff or fitting in and doing what the world expects of us. But really, we are called to be Jesus. Because, you guessed it! Jesus is what the world needs. So if we are called to be Jesus and Jesus is what the world needs, then we are to be what the world needs. Not wants. Because the world definitely does not want Jesus.
The world is a pretty big place to impact all at once so it’s ok to start out small. I want to encourage you to look around your family, your friends, your community this week. Look at individuals you come in contact with. What do they need? Find the need then fulfill it. No, it’s not always convenient or easy. But we are to be what they need.
Remember: Don’t ask what the world wants but be what the world needs.
Share your ideas or actions you took with me!