Zagreb seemed like a really cool city. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the city is really like because the city was basically shut down & a ghost town the whole time we were there.


After an extremely long & eventful trip, we arrived late at night. Then we found our hostel, checked in, dropped our bags off and headed out to find something to eat because we were starving! We got back late and were just starting to unwind from our travel adventures when we noticed a bug crawling on the wall. And another one. And another one.

So we googled it. And they looked like bedbugs. A full grown infestation of adult bed bugs. They had moved past the beds. The hostel was full so we couldn’t change rooms & it was too late to find another place to stay. So we slept with the bedbugs. Since my bed had several, I opted to sleep on the floor. Needless to say, Nicole & I got little to no sleep that night. We checked out at 7am and with no place to stay that night, we were homeless.

So we had coffee at a cafe with free wifi to try and find an apartment to stay in. Luckily, we found one but we couldn’t check in until late that afternoon. With our backpacks, we couldn’t really go touristing. By lunchtime, we made our way back to the train station where we rented a locker and left our bags there. Finally, we were free! Unfortunately, it was a Sunday so everything closed early.

When we were finally able to go to the apartment, we washed all our clothes in hot water to try and kill the bedbugs. As for the stuff that couldn’t get wet, we put in black trash bags and set them in the sun. (High temperatures kill bedbugs.)


After getting no sleep the night before & dealing with finding an apartment and getting rid of bedbugs, Nicole & I were tired. We had tried to find a McDonald’s earlier in the day but after walking close to an hour and still not finding it, we gave up. Turns out it was right around the corner from where we had spent most of the day! So we decided to eat there!

I was so exhausted that without thinking, I stuck a straw in Nicole’s icecream sunday thinking she could drink it!


We had one more day in Zagreb: Monday. Unfortunately, it was a national holiday and the whole city was shut down – including stores & pharmacies. Most of the nationals had left the city for a long weekend so the streets were pretty empty – just the tourists who didn’t check the calendar!


So Nicole & I could only walk around & look at things from the outside. But we made the best of it!


Go to Stop #7: Vienna, Austria!

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